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The day will offer a range of workshops that will explore the relationship between the body and mind. 

Exploring and expressing self through yoga and mindful creativity


This session will seek to explore aspects of self and access feelings through yoga and the creative process. It will work to enhance your personal identity, self esteem and wellbeing through physical and creative expression and group work and further encourage mindful creativity and yoga as a form of self care.



Body awareness and how your body makes you feel


This workshop is aimed to help you become more aware of how you feel inside depending on how you hold your body, and the ability you have to alter your emotions depending on your posture. 


You will also get to try out a primal movements session. We move towards things, we squat down to inspect them further, and we learn how to control our bodies. Primal movements allow us to loose our inhibitions and, almost like a dance, play with range of motion, speed and intensity. So why not choose to explore your own physical and emotional strengths through strong, bold movements and get your body moving the way nature intended.

Where do thoughts and emotions come from?


It is said that there are really only two types of people: those that believe they are born with certain skills and those that believe skills come from persistent practice. Which ever type you are, the reality is very simple:  what you believe about yourself has more impact than anything else in your life. So how do our beliefs and thoughts effect us? What's stopping us from being confident in communicating with others? 


In this session Dave will present a simple model of how our thoughts are linked to our actions and emotions. In the same way we prefer a tube map rather than a geographically precise map to guide our travel decisions around London, Dave's model will enable you to understand what is going on with you thinking and how to control your thoughts to get a better outcome.

Who are you?


So who exactly are you, and how are you going to spell that out to the world (in a way that isn't pants, and happens to be true)? 


A fun session that focuses on identifying core characteristics, and from there having a good old look at how they play as strengths, and how they might be more like weaknesses in certain situations (and how you can avoid that happening) .  From there, we can work together to create a short sharp statement that perfectly fits  each individual.  These are invaluable for personal statements, interviews and all sorts.

Music Workshop


The Music Works Bus is a mobile digital recording studio equipped with the latest recording technology kit.  We will be exploring how recordings are made and experiment with creating our own compositions. No musical ability is required – just a sense of fun and  a bit of creativity!  

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